Showing posts with label Cub Scout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cub Scout. Show all posts

Monday, July 04, 2005

Den Leader

Last week was Cub Scout Day Care week in our district. Officially, it's Day Camp, but many of the parents seem to believe that the requirement that they contribute some of THEIR time to the project is unreasonable. As a result, it's a struggle to come up with the 2-deep leadership required by BSA to protect the kids.

Why 2-deep? First, of course, having a second adult around provides a witness that the first leader didn't abuse or molest any of the kids. Second, it might just help to prevent any such abuse. Third, and perhaps more important, having 2 adults with each group of cubs means that one adult can deal with any emergency -- bleeding, fracture, seizure, allergic reaction, etc. -- while the other deals with the rest of the cubs and obtains any needed assistance.

Now that I've vented, I have to admit that I had a good time last week. This was my youngest son's third and final year as a Cub at Day Camp because he'll be a Boy Scout next summer. He may go back as a camp aide, but never again as a Cub. He begged me to be his den leader this year. I've always done something else at Day Camp and missed out on seeing his accomplishments. Not this year.

It was great to be there when he scored bulls-eyes on the BB and Archery ranges. He was happy that I was there when he singed his finger at the wood burning station and I was glad I'd served a term as camp nurse, so I was well practiced in saying "Yep, that's going to hurt for a while" without tears.

I feverishly searched the internet for skits only to find that my own Cub has a real penchant for adapting them to fit his den and his Day Camp. The skit was such a hit that his den mates wanted an encore.

I was exhausted by the end of the week, but it was a good tired. I had fun with the kids. I think I taught them a few things and I know they taught me a great deal. The parents who opted not to share this week with them have no idea what they missed.